About Me

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Philadelphia, PA, United States
Hi! My name is Bora and welcome to my photo blog. I hope you take the time to watch the slideshow I have on my one and only post. Trust me, there will be more to come! Don't forget to come again. If you're interested in booking a session, have any questions or just want to say hello, please email me at: borayomphotography@gmail.com Thanks for visiting!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Jiyoung + Luke


This past weekend, I had the pleasure of doing an engagement photoshoot for Jiyoung and Luke.  Jiyoung is actually my college roommate's older sister.  Jiyoung and Luke are a super awesome couple.  Full of laughter and... laughter.  I first met them in Seoul, Korea.  They housed me during my very first trip to Korea.  Their generous hospitality has made that trip very unforgettable.  Most importantly, all the yummy food we ate.  Ah, Korean food... we shall meet again soon!

The day was beautiful.  There was no humidity and a wonderful breeze greeted us through out the shoot.  Here are just a few of my favorite photos from this past weekend.

Please check Bora Yom Photography Facebook Page for more uploads as I tend to update that first.  I would LOVE your support if you can LIKE the page.  That way, you'll be the first to see my latest work and uploads.  PLUS, you'll be able to comment on the photos, and I'd love to hear from you!


I love the sincere laughter that's coming from this photo. :)

Don't you feel just all warm and fuzzy? ;)


Hello Sun.  Thank you so much for coming out of the clouds.

We all know that Cubby (the cute dog) is the champion, right?  ;)

:)  I just had to ask them to do something ridiculous.

<3  Many Happiness to You Both <3

1 comment:

  1. Jiyoung said...
    Hey Bora! I love the photos! I'm so impressed that you were able to capture our natural laughter and expressions...I usually have this fake plastic smile going on. Thanks for being such an awesome and fun photographer! It was a wonderful and amazing day!
    June 27, 2011 9:05 PM
